3-10/440.00 - Homicide Bureau's Responsibilities

Homicide Bureau is responsible for conducting a thorough investigation into the incident.  They are responsible for conducting the investigation of the scene and interviewing all concerned persons.  Homicide Bureau investigators shall respond to the scene to conduct their investigation and then to the Station/Unit to interview the involved Deputies and other witnesses.

Homicide investigators shall interview all parties separately, and shall complete the detailed supplemental report of the actual shooting incident.  The report shall include all witness statements.  Department members’ statements regarding the incident shall be tape-recorded.

The investigation conducted by Homicide Bureau investigators shall be submitted to the District Attorney's Special Investigations Division.

The Homicide Bureau Lieutenant shall interview the involved Deputies without delay.  He shall fully inform the Unit Commander, as well as the IAB Force/Shooting Response Team, of the results of his preliminary interview and shall keep them fully informed of the significant developments of the investigation as they occur.  As soon as practical, a Homicide Lieutenant will give concerned Department executives, IAB personnel, and District Attorney personnel a briefing of the incident and a walk-through of the shooting scene.