3-09/220.00 - Funerals and Honor Guard Requests


The emotional nature of a funeral service, particularly when associated with the law enforcement profession, demands the utmost compassion and sensitivity on behalf of Department personnel. The welfare of the bereaved family is of primary concern. While the Department is interested in assisting the family during this difficult period and can provide many helpful services, it must also recognize the private and very personal nature of a funeral service. It is, therefore, important that in a desire to help, the Department does not unwittingly impose its services on the family.

A packet, "Guidelines for Sheriff's Department Employee Funerals: Operations Commander's Checklist," is available through the Disability Management and Compliance Unit. This packet provides the Operations Commander with guidelines that are flexible, but is also designed to ensure that all phases of planning and organization have been considered. The packet also lists, in detail, the various levels of honor guard services available for funerals.


It is within the scope and responsibility of the Disability Management and Compliance Unit to assist the family of a deceased member of this Department with funeral arrangements; however, the Unit Commander shall have overall responsibility for providing and coordinating the logistical and operational aspects of the funeral services desired. When it is determined that a uniformed funeral is desired or appropriate, the Unit Commander shall notify the Unit Commanders of the Training Bureau and Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau. Notifications shall also be made to the Disability Management and Compliance Unit and the concerned Division Chief or Division Director for coordination with Department executives.

The Division to which the deceased employee was assigned will be responsible for the overall operation of the funeral services. The Division Chief, Division Director, or Area Commander shall brief the Sheriff and major executives the day before the funeral services.

The Unit Commander of the Unit to which the employee was assigned is responsible for planning and coordinating every phase of the operation. He shall:

Assign a Lieutenant to act as the Operations Commander;

Ensure that all phases of planning and organizing the funeral have been considered; and

Ensure that his Area Commander and Division Chief or Division Director are continually briefed on the plans.

The Unit's Division Chief or Division Director will assist in the necessary coordination with other Divisions or Units as required by the size and complexity of the Department's involvement.

The Training Bureau, upon request, will provide the honor guard. The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau will assist the Unit Commander with the coordination and notification of Department executives and the various logistical concerns regarding their attendance and/or participation in the services. They will also coordinate with any other departments/agencies that may be involved. The Disability Management and Compliance Unit will provide the critical liaison between the family and the Department and provide the Unit Commander with the necessary guidance in meeting the family's needs. Disability Management and Compliance Unit shall, therefore, maintain a close working relationship with the Unit Commander.

Professional Staff Members

The responsibility for planning and coordinating funeral services for professional staff members will essentially follow the same guidelines as those of sworn members. Military funerals are not provided by the Department for professional staff members. However, if the employee was a member of the United States military, that branch of the service will be responsible for providing a military contingent. This Department will provide honorary pallbearers at military funerals only if requested to do so.

Retired Members

The planning and coordination of funeral services for retired members of the department who, at the time of their death were members of the Sheriff’s Relief Association, shall be the responsibility of Sheriff’s Relief Association personnel. Representatives of the Disability Management and Compliance Unit will assist, as needed.