3-08/040.95 - Envelopes

The envelope for use with letters typed on the embossed Department letterhead stationery shall be the embossed Department envelope.

The envelope used with letters typed on the regular Department stationery shall be the regular Department envelope.

Bureaus/Units whose outgoing mail is routed through the mail room or metered postage shall type their room number above the printed return address.

The information placed on the face of the envelope shall be as follows:

Address Block

This information shall be the same information which appears in the address block on the letter (see section 3-08/040.25).

The block-style address shall be used and should be single-spaced.

Attention Notation Block

This information shall be the same information which appears in the attention notation block of the letter except that it shall be placed in the lower left corner of the envelope, never directly below the address block (see section 3-08/040.30).

Class of Mail and Service Blocks

This information shall be the same information which appears in the mailing notation of the letter except that it shall be noted in upper case letters immediately below the stamps (see section 3-08/040.70).

Exception:     When using Certified Mail, the certified mail sticker or the typed words "CERTIFIED MAIL," in upper case and underscored, shall be placed on the left side of the envelope, midway between the return address and the bottom edge of the envelope.

Personal Notation

On letters requiring the use of the "Personal" notation, type "PERSONAL" in upper case in the lower left corner of the envelope.