3-06/200.53 - Viewing of Body Worn Camera Recordings

All body worn camera (BWC) video will be reviewed only on a right-to-know and need-to-know basis, and will only be viewed in furtherance of a criminal investigation, administrative necessity, or audit.  Recordings shall not be routinely or randomly viewed solely for the purpose of searching for policy violations where no independent allegation or evidence of a policy violation exists.


Department members are permitted to view BWC recordings through two mediums (Department-issued smartphone device or Department computer).  All Department members who view a video other than their own shall document in the audit trail their reason for viewing the video. 


The accuracy of reports, Department member statements, and other official documentation is essential for the proper administration of justice and complying with the Department's obligation to maintain full and complete records of enforcement and investigative activities.  Investigators, supervisors, prosecutors, and other officials rely on complete and accurate records to perform their essential duties and responsibilities. Department members are encouraged to review BWC recordings on their assigned smartphone device or Department computer prior to documenting an enforcement or investigative activity to ensure their reports, statements, and documentation are as accurate and complete as possible.


If a Department member does not review the BWC recording before submitting a report, the member must document that fact in the report.  If any portion of an enforcement or investigative contact resulting in an arrest was captured by BWC equipment, members shall identify the existence of a BWC recording in all reports.