3-06/030.00 - Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are defined as equipment that costs $5,000 or more.  Unit Commanders are responsible for all fixed assets assigned to their Units.  The control and accountability of fixed assets shall be established at each Unit by assigning an individual to oversee and control all aspects of fixed assets.

Pursuant to Government Code section 24051, County Code section 5.02.020, and County Fiscal Manual section 6.7.1, an inventory of the Department's equipment must be conducted at least every two years and a certification filed, under oath, on or before December 31, for the period prescribed by the Auditor Controller.  Fiscal Administration is responsible for ensuring that the inventory is conducted and that the certification is filed.

On a semi-annual basis, Fiscal Administration shall forward a current list of fixed assets assigned to each Unit.  A verification inventory of each item listed shall be made with all discrepancies noted on the list.  The concerned Unit Commander shall sign the list as acknowledgment that all items have been inventoried.  A copy of this inventory list shall be returned to Fiscal Administration within 30 days after receipt. A copy of the inventory list shall be retained at the Unit and shall include the true location of each fixed asset item.  Newly acquired fixed assets shall be added to the list upon receipt.

Upon the disposal of a fixed asset, an explanation of its disposition shall be made on the list.  Fiscal Administration, Inventory Control Section, shall be notified via memorandum (SH-AD-32A) when fixed assets are acquired or disposed.

Specific procedures and information on acquisition, disposal and inventory processes are contained in the Fiscal Administration Equipment Manual, (SH-845-MC, expenditure account code 3244) which is available through Central Supply.