3-05/080.85 - Contributions For Employee Functions or Activities

The following procedure shall be adhered to when promoting or accepting contributions for non-charitable activities, including but not limited to athletic teams and events or employee events (e.g. employee holiday parties):

Members shall not:

  • Promote or accept donations for Department functions or athletic activities while in uniform or while on duty without prior authorization; and/or

  • Seek or accept donations from any person or organization that may create a conflict of interest or is inconsistent with the Department’s Mission and Core Values.


Unit commanders shall exercise strict control and conduct reviews prior to any activities generating requests for donations or proposed fund-raising activities whether for charitable (e.g., 999 for Kids) or non-charitable (e.g., Department holiday parties or other similar event or athletic teams) purposes.  Any such funds accepted by an employee-maintained fund, shall be handled in accordance with this policy and its related sections, 3-05/080.86, Employee Maintained Funds, and Fiscal MPP sections, 3-05/090.05, Banking Procedure, 3-05/090.10, Method of Collection, 3-05/090.15, Responsibility, or successor sections.

In instances where the fiscal sponsorship of the Sheriff's Relief Foundation or similar Department-wide foundation is solicited, it shall be requested by the unit via memorandum and shall be endorsed by the granting foundation.  A copy of the endorsed memorandum approving the request for the donation shall be sent to the applicable Department-wide foundation and unit commander before the unit may accept said funds for the employee activity.

Members who receive inquiries from public or private entities desiring to contribute to unit functions or athletic activities shall direct a memorandum to their unit commander with the following information:

  • The name of the person and/or the entity;

  • A brief statement regarding the donor's type of business;

  • The reason for making the donation (including confirmation the donor is not receiving or expecting any benefit, service, or thing of value in return for their donation); and

  • The amount and any other pertinent information concerning the donation.