3-05/080.84 - Fundraising Activities by Department Members

Fundraising activities during work hours and/or on County property are controlled by State law and County policy.  Government Code section 26227 allows a County Board of Supervisors to authorize work time activities related to workplace giving programs and charitable giving activities.  County standards are contained in the CEO’s Charitable Giving Campaign (CGC) Coordinator’s Handbook, which should be consulted before any work time or County resources are expended on fundraising or charitable giving activities.  Refer to the Fiscal Administration Bureau’s intranet site for links to the County manuals.

Board of Supervisors policy 3.010 allows Department heads to authorize, within the guidelines set forth therein, workplace giving campaigns outside of those organized by the Workplace Giving Program, but executive staff must authorize, in writing, each Department event in advance.  

Any fundraiser held, organized, or planned on County time and/or at a County facility are considered County-sponsored events and must adhere to the applicable rules.  The CGC Coordinator’s Handbook should be consulted regarding disallowed activities. 

Funds raised to support charitable organizations shall be promptly delivered to the designated organization.  Once delivered, a ledger listing the funds raised, and documentation of the delivery of funds (a letter or memorandum) shall be maintained by the organizing personnel with a copy provided to the unit commander via email.