3-05/050.00 - Special Appropriation Fund

Government Code section 29435 establishes the Special Appropriation Fund for use by the Sheriff for:

  • Expenses incurred by him in criminal cases arising in the County;
  • Expenses necessarily incurred by him in the preservation of peace; and
  • Expenses necessarily incurred by him in the suppression of crime.

Section 29436, and other sections, provide for the filing of vouchers and the reimbursement of expenses for which vouchers have been submitted.  Expenses from this fund must be directly related to the above criteria.  Unit Commanders must ensure that incurred expenses are consistent with appropriate and reasonable use of public monies.

Expenses shall not be authorized from the Special Appropriation Fund when they could be made through the standard procurement and budget processes.  Exceptions to this rule are as follows:

  • Investigative Travel, Subsistence, Mileage, and Parking

The expense must be for the purposes enumerated in Section 29435 of the Government Code.  Claimed amounts shall not exceed the limits as determined by the Auditor‑Controller, which are available from Fiscal Administration.  When expenses exceed the limitations, documented approval by the concerned Chief or Division Director is required on a case-by-case basis; and

  • Office Supplies

Using the Special Appropriation Fund in “time is of the essence” situations shall be limited to initial purchases; ongoing purchases must be made according to the established County/Department budgeting and purchasing guidelines.

The following procedures apply to extraordinary investigations that may require purchasing of supplies in an amount beyond the Unit’s budgeted fund:

  • The Unit Commander shall secure the Chief’s or Division Director written approval to incur the extraordinary expense and shall notify the Director of Fiscal Administration;
  • The Director of Fiscal Administration, upon receiving the notification, shall promptly provide the additional finances to meet the need of the requesting Bureau/Unit; and
  • Once additional funds are in place, the requesting Bureau/Unit shall make purchases via the standard procurement and budgeting process.