3-04/010.20 - Service Complaints

Service complaints provide valuable feedback about the Department’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting community needs.  The concerned Unit Commander shall review all service complaints with this in mind.

  • follow-up actions shall be documented by the assigned Watch Commander in a memorandum and forwarded to the Unit Commander, who shall ensure that the memorandum is attached to the Unit copy of the Service Comment Report form;
  • when a service complaint is handled to the satisfaction of the concerned Unit Commander, he shall mark the "Result" section of the Result of Service Review/Exoneration Request form, "Review completed; no further action required" and sign it, ensuring that the face page is filled out properly and thoroughly; and
  • ensure that the involved employees are listed.

The Unit Commander shall:

  • file the yellow copy of the Service Comment Report form in a Unit file;
  • provide the involved employee with a copy;
  • distribute the remaining copies as indicated on the form; and
  • send a letter to the complainant summarizing the results of the service review and informing the complainant that if he is dissatisfied with the results, the complainant may contact the Unit Commander (see Manual of Policy and Procedures, section 3-04/030.00, Procedures for Responding to Complainant Dissatisfaction with Department Service Reviews and Administrative Investigations).