3-03/020.00 - Special Uniform Needs

Department members assigned to the following units/assignments are determined and authorized to have special clothing and safety equipment needs; deemed appropriate for the performance of their duties:


  • Arson/Explosives Detail;

  • Beach Patrol;

  • Bicycle teams;

  • Canine handlers;

  • Custody deputies working outdoor assignments;

  • Commercial Traffic Enforcement;

  • Emergency Services Detail;

  • Harbor Patrol;

  • Motorcycle Patrol;

  • Off-road Motorcycle Patrol;

  • Mounted Enforcement;

  • Pilots and observers;

  • Recruit trainees;

  • Search and Rescue teams;

  • Special Weapons teams; and,

  • Training instructors.

These members may wear special clothing items as specified in MPP section 3-03/070.25, Deputy Sheriff Special Operations Clothing when authorized by the Sheriff or Undersheriff.  However, other items may be worn, only when directed, and approved by the concerned division chief, division director, Sheriff, or Undersheriff.