3-03/210.32 - Purchase of Firearms, Ammunition, or Weapon-Related Equipment

No Department unit shall purchase any firearm (including less-lethal firearms), ammunition, or weapon-related equipment without prior written approval from the Department Rangemaster (Weapons Training Lieutenant).  Unit commanders shall submit their requests to purchase these items to the Department Rangemaster on an “Office Correspondence” memorandum (SH-AD-32A) describing in detail the reason for the need to purchase the items.  Prior to the approval of such requests, the Department Rangemaster shall consult with the Senior Department Armorer to determine the suitability of the requested items for Department use.

Once approval has been received, the concerned unit shall purchase the items and ensure that any firearm, ammunition, or weapon-related equipment is delivered from the vendor directly to the Biscailuz Armory.  Biscailuz Center Armory personnel will inspect the ammunition, firearm(s), and install weapon-related equipment.  Biscailuz Center Armory personnel shall then enter the firearm(s) into the Department’s Master Inventory and institutionally register them by entry into the Automated Firearms System (AFS).  After inspection and entry into Department inventory and AFS, the firearm, ammunition, or weapon-related equipment will be made available for retrieval by the purchasing unit.  Any weapon or weapon-related equipment that is purchased by any Department unit becomes Department property and comes under the control of the Biscailuz Center Armory.  These items may be recalled by the Biscailuz Center Armory at any time for removal from service or reassignment to another unit.

All provisions of this policy are retroactive and shall apply to all weapons and weapon-related equipment currently possessed by any unit.

MPP section 3-03/210.34, Specialized Weapons and Weapon Accessories, shall be enforced for any purchase.