3-03/400.00 - Service Stars (Optional)

The service star shall be 3/4 inches in diameter, five-pointed, and embroidered on the sleeve with gold thread.  The gold thread shall be medium-gold polyester.  Single thread stitching must be used throughout, with sufficient underlay stitching to give a full three-dimensional appearance to the design.

For each five years of service completed as a Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) recognized sworn law enforcement officer, deputy personnel may wear one service star.

For five years of service completed with the Department, non-sworn uniformed personnel authorized to wear a Class A uniform may wear one service star.

Sworn members may wear service stars on the dress jacket, field jacket, and long sleeved Class A shirt.  Non-sworn uniformed personnel may wear service stars in the same manner on their approved long sleeved Class A shirt.

The service star may be worn six months prior to the five-year period represented, if the wearer so desires.

All service stars shall be positioned with one point downward toward the cuff, and two points upward toward the shoulders.

Services stars number one through five (5-25 years) shall be worn in a horizontal row above the left sleeve cuff.  The center of each star should measure approximately one inch from the top of the cuff, on the Class A shirt.

The center of the first star should also be positioned one to 1 ½ inches away from the outside of the elbow reinforcement seam, depending on the shirt size, to ensure five stars will fit in a row, without overlapping seams.  This should allow for variations in pressing, and ensure all five stars remain visible to the observer from the front and sides, with the wearer’s arm at their side.  All additional stars in the first row shall be spaced approximately 1/8 inch apart, measured tip-to-tip.

At thirty years of service, the sixth star shall be added in a second horizontal row, directly above the first star, and spaced 1/8 inch apart from the first row of stars, measured tip-to-tip.  Additional stars should align with the row below.

For dress jackets and field jackets without a sewn cuff, the center of the first row of stars shall be 4 ½ inches from the edge of the jacket sleeve.  Jackets with a sewn cuff shall closely replicate the specifications for the Class A shirt address above.

Previously approved service star patterns on existing shirts may be worn for the serviceable life of the shirt.  All newly purchased and/or newly embroidered shirts shall comply with the above standards.