3-03/210.40 - Possession of Department-Issued Firearm - Security Officer, Sheriff (Armed)

Although possession of a Department-issued firearm is authorized by California Penal Code Section 12031(D), the following conditions shall apply:

  • Wearing of the firearm is restricted to on-duty assignments only;
  • When transporting the firearm off duty, it must be unloaded and secured in a locked container and, if in a vehicle, not accessible to any of the occupants; and
  • The “Security Officer Off-Duty Practice Agreement” shall be completed for each occasion a Security Officer wishes to practice with their weapon other than normal duty periods as stated in section 3-01/050.65, Shooting Requirements.  In this event, possession is also authorized while off duty, when en route to or from a residence or other Sheriff’s Security Officer Unit of assignment and while en route to or from a residence for Department-required training and qualification.