3-02/085.10 - Employee Performance Records

Documentation about a given employee's performance may be found in the following sources:

  • Department personnel folder

  • Unit personnel folder

  • Unit performance log

  • Automated Personnel Performance databases

Department Personnel Folder

The Department personnel folder comprises the file of personnel records maintained in a centralized location by Personnel Administration Bureau. (See section 3-02/020.10, Personnel Folders.)

Unit Personnel Folder

The unit personnel folder is a decentralized extension of the Department folder. The unit personnel folder is maintained at, and by, the employee's unit of assignment and is transferred from unit to unit as the employee transfers.

When an employee leaves the Department, only the following unit personnel folder documents shall be sent to Personnel Administration Bureau’s Records Unit:

  • Letters of Imposition;

  • Original Performance Evaluations (no photocopies);

  • Training certificates.

The Records Unit shall file these documents in the employee’s official personnel folder. All other documents contained in the unit personnel file that are not required by MPP section 3-02/020.10 shall be dispositioned (i.e., shred or given to the employee) by the unit. Any documents not required by MPP section 3-02/020.10 that are sent to Personnel Administration Bureau’s Records Unit shall be returned to the unit.

When an employee leaves the Department, send their medical files directly to Personnel Administration Bureau’s Disability Management and Compliance Unit.

Unit Performance Log

The unit performance log is comprised of interim supervisory notations about employee performance during a given rating period. The purpose of the unit performance log is to document supervisors' observations about performance and supervisor/employee discussions about performance (goals, strengths/weaknesses, career guidance, etc.).

Use of the Department’s designated unit performance log entry form is required. Forms created or modified in any way by Department bureaus, facilities, stations, or units shall not be used.

The documentation on a given employee in the unit performance log shall be shown to and discussed with the employee by the supervisor who recorded it, who shall obtain the employee's signature as evidence that the employee saw the documentation.

NOTE 1: If the employee refuses to provide a signature acknowledging awareness of the documentation, the supervisor shall have another supervisor witness the refusal. Both supervisors shall sign the documentation.

Performance log documentation may be referred to in the employee's current performance evaluation, after which all the past rating period's notations shall be removed from the log, and new notations only shall be entered for the next rating period.

NOTE 2: Expired documentation shall be maintained at the unit until the evaluation process is complete, and shall then be destroyed.

Automated Personnel Performance Database

The Department maintains records on specific incidents relating to personnel performance in several automated databases.