3-02/060.35 - Guidelines for Department Representation At Peace Officer Memorial Services

Peace officers who are killed while performing their duties are remembered for their sacrifices to protect the freedoms of citizens in the communities they served. Their losses are an emotional trauma that is felt by every member of the law enforcement community. To demonstrate our respect for peace officers from other agencies who were killed in the line of duty, the Department has established guidelines for representation at their memorial services. The criteria established by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and described in the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted report (LEOKA) will be used in determining line-of-duty deaths and subsequent Department representation at services.

Emergency Operations Bureau (EOB) shall initiate a coordinated Department representation at services for peace officers from Los Angeles County and from the counties of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura. All advisements of line-of-duty deaths in California will be referred to Special Operations Division, EOB, and Training Bureau for review.

Attending funeral and memorial services is a personal choice. These guidelines are flexible and require that Department member participation be strictly voluntary. In all cases, formal Department representation at memorial services for peace officers killed in the line of duty will be determined by the Assistant Sheriff of Special Operations Division and will be coordinated by members of EOB to ensure that these standards are met.

Criteria and Protocols

Representation guidelines for services for Los Angeles County law enforcement agency peace officers:

  • Senior executive representation as determined by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and/or the Chief of Staff:
    • One commander and/or captain from each division;
    • Additionally, Countywide Services Division, Court Services Division, custody divisions, Detective Division, patrol divisions, and Special Operations Division each will provide the following personnel:
      • Two sergeants;
      • Two deputy personnel from each bureau of each division excluding patrol divisions;
      • Two deputy personnel from each patrol station (except Avalon); and
      • Additional personnel as available and/or appropriate
    • Professional Standards and Training Division, and Technology and Support Division will provide personnel as available.

Representation guidelines for services for Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura counties law enforcement agency peace officers:

  • Senior executive representation as determined by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and/or the Chief of Staff:
    • One commander and/or captain from each division;
    • Station and bureau commanders will advise their respective division aides of volunteer attendees from their units; and
    • Division aides will advise EOB the number of attendees expected.

Representation guidelines for services in other California jurisdictions:

  • The Assistant Sheriff of Special Operations Division will determine representation at services in other California jurisdictions.

EOB responsibilities:

  • Determining whether the death meets LEOKA criteria and is appropriate for Department representation;
  • Contacting affected agency and ensure that representation is appropriate;
  • Obtaining detailed information on location, time of services, and other pertinent information;
  • Briefing the Assistant Sheriff of Special Operations Division and determining the level of representation required;
  • Responsible for sending a Department wide announcement regarding attendance to funeral services for California peace officers who died in the line of duty:
    • The announcement will state the reporting time and place, any parking requirements for the services as well as the actual starting time of the services. It shall also contain uniform requirements and any special administrative instructions.
  • Assign a staff member to liaison with all division headquarters staff to ensure the proper mandated response;
  • Coordinate the Department representation at the services in Los Angeles and surrounding counties, if required by (reported) significant numbers of personnel attending;
  • Identify a Department staging site at or near event, depending on the anticipated Department response; and
  • Contact the Disability Management and Compliance Unit for coordination with families, as needed.

Division responsibilities:

  • Assigning a headquarters staff member as coordinator;
  • Identifying station, unit, and bureau coordinators:
    • Identifying volunteer representatives; and
    • Ensuring that division, bureau, station, and unit representatives are briefed on all protocols.
  • Maintaining liaison with EOB coordinator.

Representation at National and California annual peace officer memorial services:

  • The Department supports both of these services and provides limited on-duty participation. Participation is voluntary and at the employee’s expense. In order to ensure proper protocols, uniform attire, etc., the Professional Standards and Training Division, Training Bureau, will be responsible for the following:
    • Through division coordinators, determining participation at events, including name and rank of attendees;
    • Identifying senior ranking officers and recommending a Department on-site event coordinator;
    • Briefing EOB on event and Department participation; and
    • Briefing on-site event coordinator and attendees on protocols, etc.