3-02/080.02 - Training Requirements for Professional Staff

Training and Philosophy

Unit commanders are responsible for providing professional staff with appropriate in-service training and for facilitating attendance at both Department-sponsored and outside vendor training.  Unit training staff have the responsibility for scheduling and actively encouraging professional staff training participation.

Training Records

The class/A.P.I.S. (Automated Personnel In-Service) roster shall be utilized for documenting and tracking all training.  The APIS rosters shall be sent to the Education and Training Records Unit for entry in the Learning Management System (LMS). Unit training staff shall verify the entry of all training for professional staff in the LMS.

Personnel Training Files

All units shall maintain training files for individual employees, which shall at least contain a printout of the individual’s training records via the Learning Management System (LMS) and/or the Electronic Data Interface (EDI).

No documentation that contains personal information such as social security number, date of birth, address, spouse’s name, children’s names, health/medical information, personal checks, or forms of payment etc., shall be included in these files.  In the event personal information is compromised, the unit commander shall be responsible for notifying the individual of the electronic security breach.

Class Files

All units shall maintain training files for classes taught at the unit level, which shall at least contain the course outline and instructor resumes.

Periodic Training Reports

Each unit shall report its training progress in achieving the objectives specified in a manner and frequency determined by its respective division chief/division director.  The report shall be due to the training coordinator of the division no later than the 5th day of the designated month and shall include the training status of personnel of the previous month(s).


Paid overtime shall not be used for employee participation in training or to fill operational vacancies due to training without the authorization of the divisional chief and/or division director.

Inspection process

Each unit shall have its training program inspected by the division’s command personnel at least once a year. The specific scope of the inspection shall be at the discretion of the concerned chief or division director.  It shall include, at a minimum, a review of training records for compliance with training requirements.  Additionally, each unit shall anticipate unannounced, periodic inspections of training records and specific training programs by their division commander.

Mandatory Training

Unit training staff shall ensure that professional staff meet the required POST mandates for their position.  Training for professional staff includes training that may be mandated by the following:

  • POST – Training the State Commission requires for Peace Officer Standards and Training,

  • STC – Training that is required by the Standards for Training for Corrections,

  • State Mandated – Training that is required by statute,

  • Federal Mandated – Training that is required by the Federal entity,

  • Department Mandated – Training that is required by either departmental or unit specific policy, and

  • Unit Optional – Professional development training courses for individual employees desiring to enhance competence and skills, team training for units, training that may be required to meet unit specific needs and includes all other training.

The Civilian Training Unit (CTU) maintains a list of mandatory training courses. Training specifically required for professional staff classifications includes:

Basic Supervision for Professional Staff - An 80-hour course for first-line professional staff supervisors.  Alternate supervisors may also attend this course.

Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) – Training content of the CAD is provided in the Desk Operations Training course by the Communications and Fleet Management Bureau MDCS Training Staff.  All Personnel with desk operations duties for patrol functions, including the watch deputy, dispatcher, and complaint positions, shall attend Desk Operations Training as soon as possible.  Additional training is required for the watch deputy and dispatcher.

Continued Professional Training (CPT) – All sworn personnel (including Level I, and Level II reserve deputies), law enforcement technicians, and Sheriff’s Communications Center Public Response Dispatchers shall satisfactorily complete the CPT requirement of 24 or more hours of qualified POST approved training during every two-year CPT cycle as specified in POST Commission Regulation 1005(d).  If LASD personnel attend outside agency-qualified POST approved training, a certificate of attendance from the participating agency is required to receive credit.  A copy of the certificate must be mailed to the Education and Training Records Unit and addressed to the Outside Training Coordinator.

Defensive Driver’s Training - An 8-hour course for professional staff and mileage permittees.

Desk Operations for Patrol Functions – All personnel with desk operations duties for patrol functions including the watch deputy, dispatcher, and complaint positions, shall be required to read the Desk Operations Manual, as well as take and pass the written test within the first 30 days of assignment to desk operations.  The completed test shall be placed into the employee’s training file. Any employee scheduled to work a desk position on a temporary or relief basis shall meet with the watch commander prior to the employee’s first shift, to be briefed on the expected performance while assigned to desk operation duties.  The employee shall read the Desk Operations Handout and sign a receipt acknowledging they have received the handout before their assignment to the desk.  The receipt shall be placed into the employee’s training file.

Law Enforcement Technicians – All Law Enforcement Technicians shall attend the Law Enforcement Technician, 40-hour orientation course mandated for all newly assigned law enforcement technicians (LET) performing both desk complaint/dispatch and administrative job functions as soon as possible

Matron Training - An eight-hour course for all newly assigned matrons.

Middle Management - An 80-hour course mandated for all Department managers (including professional staff managers).  A professional staff manager includes any professional staff item or job requiring supervision of other personnel as a responsibility.  This course is available through an outside vendor.

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) User - A course mandated by the California Department of Justice for all users of any local, state, and federal crime information system (such as JDIC).  A six-hour course is mandated for personnel who will input and access information.  A four-hour course is mandated for personnel who only have permission to access information.

Sheriff’s Department Orientation for Professional Staff – All professional staff newly assigned to the Sheriff’s Department shall attend the 40-hour orientation course as soon as possible.

Professional Standards - An eight-hour customer service class for professional staff employees.  This is mandated by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Public Response Dispatcher – All public response dispatchers and law enforcement technicians (LET) shall attend the 120-hour POST certified Public Safety Dispatcher’s Basic Course mandated by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) as specified in POST Commission Regulation 1018.

Security Awareness Training – Every member must attend once every two years the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) training.

Workplace Harassment Prevention - An eight-hour course is required once during the career.  A two-hour refresher course is required if promoted to a supervisory position.

Workplace Harassment Prevention for Supervisors (AB1825) - An eight-hour primary course is required of supervisors.  In addition, a two-hour refresher course is required every two years for Sexual Harassment for Supervisors (AB1825).

Recommended Optional Training

Advanced Supervision for Professional Staff – A 40-hour course designed to enhance the skills and techniques of professional staff supervisors.  The prerequisites for this course are: 1) the employee must be in a supervisory capacity, and 2) the employee must have taken “Basic Supervision for Professional Staff.”

Drug/Alcohol Awareness for Supervisors - A one-hour course for all departmental supervisors (sworn and professional staff).  Training is available through Psychological Services Bureau, and the Chief Executive Officer’s Office on the Los Angeles County’s Learning Management System (LMS).

Education Based Discipline (EBD) Training - Attendance in the eight-hour Lieutenants Interactive Forum for Education (LIFE) class can be mandated in lieu of discipline.

Unit Commanders

Unit commanders have the overall responsibility for the management of their unit’s training.  Management should be accomplished by setting priorities, allocating resources, and providing support.  Newly assigned Sheriff’s Department professional staff should attend the above mandated training as soon as possible.

Unit Commanders have the overall responsibility of ensuring CPT requirements are met every training cycle for Law Enforcement Technicians and Public Response Dispatchers as specified in POST Commission Regulation 1005(d).