3-02/110.00 - Promotions

The County Code outlines the procedures involved in promotional examinations.  The requirements for eligibility to file for a promotional examination are printed in the "Promotional Opportunities" bulletin issued by Personnel Administration Bureau at the time each promotional examination is announced.

When an Appraisal of Promotability is involved in an examination, the designated representative of the Sheriff shall submit such appraisal on the concerned employee through channels. The criteria to be considered in a promotional situation differs from that in a regular performance evaluation.  In an "Appraisal of Promotability," the employee is being rated on how he will perform in a more responsible supervisory position or in a position requiring additional skills or requiring a greater degree of responsibility than is required in his present position.  It is thus conceivable that an employee might be rated weak in terms of promotability and yet be outstanding in terms of his present position.

Any current or former supervisor who had a formal grievance made against them shall not have any direct or indirect input into the grieving person’s promotional rating process, and shall recuse themselves from the process to avoid any perceived conflict of interest or bias. 

Any exception to this policy shall be approved by the current or former supervisor’s division chief or division director.  If this exception occurs at the rank of chief or above, the rating supervisor shall receive approval from at least one rank above them.

The approving supervisor shall closely monitor the current or former supervisor’s input into the grieving person’s promotional rating to ensure there is impartiality and fairness in the assessment.