3-02/240.00 - Pay and Leave Documents Designation/Authorization

When the unit commander designates a supervisor to sign pay and/or leave documents (“authorized approver”), the unit commander shall submit a letter of authorization for such supervisor, together with the signed Unit Commander Designation/Authorization Roster, to Personnel Administration Bureau’s Pay, Leaves, and Records (PLR) Units.

The unit commander shall ensure that the authorized approver’s name and original signature are documented on a Unit Commander Designation/Authorization Roster and that this document is on file at PLR.

When adding an additional authorized approver(s), but not removing/replacing another supervisor, the unit commander shall submit the following to PLR:

  1. Letter authorizing the authorized approver(s);
  2. Updated Unit Commander Designation/Authorization Roster with the added authorized approver(s)’s name(s) and original signature(s).

When removing an authorized approver (e.g., leaves the unit, retires, resigns, etc.), the unit commander shall submit the following to PLR:

  1. Letter authorizing:
    1. The removal of that authorized approver;
    2. The assignment of a replacement authorized approver, if applicable;
  2. Updated Unit Commander Designation/Authorization Roster with the deleted, and if applicable, the replacement authorized approver’s name and original signature.

When an authorized approver promotes or their job classification changes, and they remain at the unit, the unit commander shall submit the following to PLR:

  1. Updated Unit Commander Designation/Authorization Roster with the new authorized approver’s job classification (rank), name, and original signature.

Time documents not signed by an authorized employee shall not be processed.  Rubber stamp signatures are not acceptable.  When documents consist of more than one page, the person signing the first page shall initial the succeeding page(s).

Information recorded on payroll and leave documents shall be made in permanent ink and shall not contain corrections made with any type of error masking application (e.g., liquid correction fluid, “white-out,” correction tape, etc.).  Corrections shall be made, in permanent ink, with a single line out of the error and the initials of the person making such corrections.