3-02/210.00 - Paid Time in Addition to Salary

The overtime rules and special paid time provisions outlined in the current Salary Ordinance of the Los Angeles County Code shall be applicable, unless specifically waived or amended.

When prior formal authorization is required from Personnel Administration Bureau and/or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for any type of paid time, no payment shall be made until the formal authorization is on file with Personnel Administration Bureau’s, Pay, Leaves, and Records (PLR) Units.

Employees covered by FLSA shall have prior approval from their Supervisor, before working overtime, unless such overtime worked is the result of a bona fide emergency (e.g., natural disaster, riot, spontaneous jail lockdown, etc.).  Absent emergent situations, per this MPP, failure to obtain prior approval violates County policy and may result in employee discipline.  

Managers and approving supervisors shall ensure that overtime is within their budget and is not misused by employees.  However, any overtime that is worked by an employee, and that is properly documented, whether it was pre-authorized or unauthorized, shall be paid/saved, if applicable, in accordance with the FLSA.

When an emergency situation such as a major earthquake requires extensive manpower and equipment involvement, the Board of Supervisors may authorize special funds outside of the Department budget to cover the costs of such involvement.  When a situation of this sort develops, the overtime involved shall be identified in accordance with instructions from the Emergency Operations Bureau.