3-02/190.15 - Procedures Governing Approved Bonuses

Adjusting the Amount of the Bonus

When the supervisor receives a step increase, the bonus is adjusted downward to result in total compensation equal to $1 more than the base rate of the highest paid subordinate.  The adjustment is reported in conjunction with the Step Advance Report.

When the highest paid subordinate receives a step increase, the amount of the bonus must be increased to maintain the $1 differential.  This adjustment is made on the Change of Status Report (form 76C367) and no new authorization is required.

Effect of Temporary Absence on Bonus

An absence of the supervisor, subordinate, or both, for a period of 60 consecutive calendar days or less, does not affect the payment of a supervisor-subordinate bonus.

Payment of the bonus must cease after a supervisor has been absent for any reason (vacation, sick leave, etc.) for 60 consecutive calendar days and may not be paid for the duration of the absence; however, the supervisor does receive the bonus for the first 60 days.  It is the unit of assignment’s responsibility to notify Personnel Administration Bureau, in writing, whenever an employee is absent in excess of 60 calendar days.  Payment may be resumed upon the supervisor's return to work without further authorization.

After a subordinate has been absent for any reason for 60 consecutive calendar days, he is no longer considered to be a subordinate for the purpose of justifying a supervisor-subordinate bonus.  If no other subordinate is listed in the authorization, the bonus cannot be paid until the subordinate returns to the job.

When the subordinate returns to the job, payment of the bonus may be resumed without further authorization.  If a new subordinate is assigned, and such new subordinate was not listed on the prior authorization, a new request for authorization must be submitted.

A Change of Status Report must be used to report any change in the supervisor's compensation due to stopping or resuming payment of a bonus.

Supervisor's Salary Exceeds Subordinate's

The authorization for payment of the bonus terminates when the base rate of the supervisor exceeds the base rate of his highest paid subordinate.  When the supervisor-subordinate relationship ceases to exist, the bonus shall be canceled by the Department.

Automatic Expiration

All authorizations automatically expire on June 30 of each year and are subject to annual renewal.

Renewal Procedures

Requests for renewal of the supervisor-subordinate bonus shall be made in the same manner as the original request, except that they are to be marked "renewal."  Renewals are subject to the same conditions as original requests.