3-02/100.00 - Classification

The County Code outlines the regulations covering classification of positions in the classified service of the County.

Unit commanders should be aware of the types of duties and the responsibilities of each position under their command.  When a position has changed significantly in the types of duties performed and/or in the level of responsibility for the performance of those duties, the position may no longer be properly classified.  Unit commanders who find that such a situation has developed within their unit should request, through their division chief or division director, that Personnel Administration Bureau conduct a classification study of the position or positions in question.

Unit commanders are cautioned that an increase in volume of the same work with no appreciable increase in the level of difficulty or responsibility for the performance of the assigned duties does not constitute a reasonable basis for a change in classification.  Sheer increase in volume of the same type of work should be addressed by submitting justification for an additional position to handle the increase in workload.