3-02/090.00 - Performance Evaluations

The Civil Service rules outline the procedures covering performance evaluations.  Unit commanders shall ensure fair and accurate evaluations under the rating standards set forth by these rules.  Ratings shall be for performances commensurate with the employee's current classification.

When a rating other than "competent" is given, the rating must be fully substantiated in writing before it will be accepted by the commission.  The following guidelines shall apply:

  • Outstanding

All work performance is consistently above the standards of the position, and a substantial part of the work performance exceeds supervisory and management expectations most of the time.  This rating must be documented by specific descriptions of how the employee's accomplishments benefitted the service of the Department and the standards of performance expected by the Department for the position;

  • Very Good

A substantial part of the work performance is well above the standards of performance required for the position and all other parts of the performance are at least "competent."  Factual evidence must be presented in writing to substantiate this rating;

  • Competent

Work performance is consistently up to or somewhat above the standards of performance required for the position.  This is the performance which is expected of a trained and qualified employee;

  • Improvement Needed

This rating is given when a significant part of the employee's performance is below the standard required for the position and it is anticipated that the employee can bring his performance up to acceptable standards.  Factual evidence must be presented in writing to substantiate this rating.

A plan for improvement should be given to the employee to cover the period subsequent to the rating.

When this rating is given, a new evaluation must be made within a period not to exceed six months from the day on which the employee is served with the "improvement needed" evaluation.

If the employee fails to achieve a competent level of performance by the end of the new rating period, an "unsatisfactory" rating must be given and followed by either discharge or reduction in classification; and

  • Unsatisfactory

When this rating is given, an employee shall either be discharged or reduced in classification.  This rating should be given when:

  • A substantial part of the work performed is inadequate and definitely inferior to the standard of performance required for the classification;
  • The employee has failed to improve his performance in factors previously rated for "improvement needed;" and
  • An employee of this Department has committed an act of sufficient seriousness to destroy his value to the Department or to County Service.

The latter reason would include "off-duty" conduct resulting in discharge, in which case, the employee would be rated "unsatisfactory" under "Observance of Rules and Regulations."  Under such circumstances, the employee may be rated "competent" under the remaining factors relating to his performance and still receive an overall "unsatisfactory" rating.

Ratings of efficiency of performance shall be made for permanent employees at least once each year beginning and ending on their current item anniversary dates, and for recurrent employees at the close of each seasonal work period.  Performance Based Pay participants should be evaluated in accordance with the Chief Administrative Office guidelines.  A revised rating may be submitted by the employee's supervisor at any time during the year upon evidence of changed work habits or performance on the part of an employee.  No rating need be made for temporary employees.