3-02/085.40 - Unit Commanders' Responsibilities in Using Automated Personnel Performance Data

Unit commanders are required to regularly review the information produced by the automated personnel performance databases.

The databases allow several methods of analyzing information.  Two of the most informative are analysis on the basis of categories of incidents and analysis on the basis of the individual employee's indexed incident records.  Unit commanders shall regularly examine the indexed documentation by category of incident, observing which employees present unusual patterns of incidents as compared to comparably assigned employees.  Unit commanders shall also regularly review individual employee indexed incident records, being alert to patterns or series of incidents which indicate the advisability of focused attention.  Such patterns or series could include two or more incidents within a single category, or one or more incidents in each of several categories.

In evaluating the significance of patterns, series or minimum levels of incidents, the unit commander shall oversee or conduct a review of the details of the incidents documented in the automated databases and should normally also do the following:

  • Ensure that a review of the performance information in the employee's personnel file is conducted;
  • Ensure that a review of the performance information in the unit performance log is conducted;
  • Confer with the employee's supervisor(s).

Upon completion of this review, the unit commander shall discuss any concerns with or counsel the concerned employee as appropriate.

Unit commanders are responsible for ensuring that the automated performance information (PRMS printout) on an employee is reviewed at the time of the writing of the performance evaluation, and that reference to the review is made in the evaluation narrative.