3-01/090.28 - Idling Regulation for Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Vehicles or Engines

Employees who operate County-owned or rented diesel vehicles or engines on County business shall comply with idling limits set under California Code of Regulations section 2449, General Requirements for In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets.  Specifically, no vehicle or engine subject to the regulation may idle for more than five consecutive minutes.

The idling limit applies to all off-road diesel vehicles or engines subject to the regulation, unless the vehicle or engine is idling for specific circumstances defined in the regulation or a waiver has been granted.

The idling limit does not apply to:

  • Idling when queuing;
  • Idling to verify the vehicle is in safe operating condition;
  • Idling for testing, servicing, repairing, or diagnostic purposes;
  • Idling necessary to accomplish work for which the vehicle was designed (such as operating a crane);
  • Idling required to bring the machine system to operating temperature, as specified by the manufacturer; and/or
  • Idling necessary to ensure safe operation of the vehicle.

Examples of off-road diesel-fueled vehicles or engines include tractors, backhoes, excavators, dozers, scrapers, portable generators, transport refrigeration units, irrigation pumps, welders, compressors, scrubbers, and sweepers.

The California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board website at http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/ordiesel/ordiesel.aspx contains links to the idling regulation language under section 2449(d)(3) of the Final Regulation Order.