3-01/050.85 - Fraternization

Except in the performance of one’s official duties, members shall not knowingly fraternize with, engage the services of, accept services from, do favors for, or maintain a business or personal relationship or association with people who are in the custody of any federal, state, county, or local law enforcement agency.  Additionally, members shall not knowingly fraternize with, engage the services of, accept services from, do favors for, or maintain a business or personal relationship or association with the spouse, immediate family member, or romantic companion of any person in the custody of any law enforcement agency.

Exceptions to this policy require the express written authorization of the member’s unit commander.  There is a presumption that requests to associate with immediate family members will be granted.  However, express written authorization shall still be sought and received.  All requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  The member’s request, accompanied by the unit commander’s response, shall be placed in the member’s unit personnel file and become a permanent part of the member’s personnel file.

A subsequent request shall be submitted any time the circumstances upon which the original authorization was based change.  Subsequent authorization(s) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Associating with current or former inmates may also violate MPP section 3-01/050.86.