3-01/050.42 - Safety of Stranded Animals

Deputies shall take reasonable steps to secure care for any animal in the possession of any arrested, detained, or medically incapacitated person.

The handling Deputy shall provide the person an opportunity to contact someone who can respond within a reasonable amount of time to take possession of the animal.  If the person is unwilling, unable, or unsuccessful in arranging care for the animal, the Deputy shall notify the Department of Animal Care and Control or Humane Society having jurisdiction and request that agency to respond.

If practical, the Deputy shall remain with the animal until the arrival of the agency.  If the deputy cannot remain with the animal, or the agency refused to respond, the deputy shall contact the field sergeant who will arrange for the transfer of responsibility of the animal.

The Deputy shall advise the person of the location of the animal (if applicable).  Any action taken with respect to the disposition of the animal shall be documented in the original incident report and/or Deputy Daily Work Sheet.