3-01/040.96 - Information Requests or Contacts with Private Investigators or Suspect's, Defendant's or Plaintiff's Representatives

Members are instructed that the official business of this Department is confidential.  Private investigation firms or private investigators or defendant representatives, requesting information, either official or job-related, shall be given only that information which is public and general knowledge.

When a suspect or a defendant in any criminal matter, or a plaintiff in any civil matter in which the Department is a party, or the representatives of any suspect, defendant or plaintiff contacts a member of this Department to interview or subpoena him, or to request that member’s cooperation or presence in the courtroom during any proceeding, the member shall make immediate notification of the contact to their Unit Commander. This does not include personal or private business matters which are not related to Department activities.

Unit Commanders shall immediately notify the appropriate Unit Commander within the Internal Affairs Bureau or Internal Criminal Investigation Bureau.