3-01/030.90 - Patriotic Courtesy

Members of this Department shall adhere to the following rules of conduct when attending funerals, public gatherings or other ceremonial occasions.


  • Uniformed Personnel indoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention
  • Uniformed Personnel outdoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention, hand salute
  • Civilian Attired Personnel indoors - Stand at attention, remove headgear, if worn
  • Civilian Attired Personnel outdoors - Stand at attention, place right hand over heart.  If wearing headgear, remove and hold over heart with right hand


  • Uniformed Personnel indoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention, face colors
  • Uniformed Personnel outdoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention, face colors, hand salute
  • Civilian Attired Personnel indoors - Remove headgear, if worn; stand at attention, face colors
  • Civilian Attired Personnel outdoors - Face colors, stand at attention, remove headgear, if worn, and hold over heart with right hand.  If no headgear is worn, hold right hand over heart

When no colors are present, face the sound source of the anthem.


  • Uniformed Personnel indoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention with right hand over heart
  • Uniformed Personnel outdoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention, hand salute
  • Civilian Attired Personnel indoors - Remove headgear, if worn; stand at attention with right hand or headgear over heart
  • Civilian Attired Personnel outdoors - Remove headgear, if worn; stand at attention with right hand or headgear over heart


  • Uniformed Personnel indoors - Stand at attention, remove headgear unless serving as a pallbearer
  • Uniformed Personnel outdoors - With or without headgear, stand at attention, render hand salute as casket passes, or upon order of honor guard commander
  • Civilian Attired Personnel indoors - Stand at attention, remove headgear, if worn
  • Civilian Attired Personnel outdoors - Remove headgear, if worn, stand at attention with right hand or headgear over heart