3-01/030.80 - Contributions for Department Activities (Including, But Not Limited To, Athletic Teams and Events)

In order to be supportive of Department programs, the Sheriff's Relief Association has established a foundation to assist those persons or organizations desirous of making donations to the Department.  The Sheriff's Relief Foundation may also be of assistance in the Departmental goal of ensuring the propriety of all donations.  As a recognized legitimate charitable organization the Sheriff's Relief Foundation can facilitate, when requested, the appropriate tax credit procedures for those making donations and can provide proper accountability and records.

Individuals and organizations outside the Department may support Department activities through public and private contributions.  Unit Commanders shall be responsible for the review of all activities; however, donations made for purposes other than athletic events shall be reviewed by the headquarters of the Division soliciting or accepting the donations.

The following procedure shall be adhered to when promoting or accepting contributions:

Members shall not:

  • Promote or accept donations for Department functions or athletic activities without authorization while in uniform or while on duty; and/or
  • Seek or accept donations from any person or organization that may, in the opinion of the employee's Unit Commander, create a conflict of interest or be inappropriate.

Unit Commanders shall exercise strict control and conduct reviews prior to any activities generating requests for donations or proposed fund-raising activities.

Members, who receive inquiries from public or private entities desiring to contribute to Department functions or athletic activities shall direct a memorandum to their Unit Commander with the following information:

  • The name of the person and/or the entity;
  • A brief statement regarding the person's character and/or the donor's type of business;
  • Reason for making the donation; and
  • The amount and any other pertinent information concerning the donation.

Because Department functions and athletic activities frequently involve personnel from more than one Department Unit, a memorandum shall be submitted to each concerned Unit Commander by those either planning a solicitation or being the recipient of a donation.  Unit Commanders will approve or disapprove each request and maintain a file of each donation request.  Unit Commanders shall coordinate with each other in the approval/disapproval process of multiple Unit involvement.

In those instances where the assistance or involvement of the Sheriff's Relief Foundation has been requested, a copy of the memorandum approving a request for donation or solicitation shall be sent to the Sheriff's Relief Association.

The Department has established a "Department Athletic Committee" which will review the distribution of both designated and non-designated donations that relate specifically to Department athletic events.  These donations will then be distributed according to the donor's designation or at "committee" discretion in the case of non-designated donations.  This committee shall be comprised of a Deputy or Sergeant from each Division and will be chaired by the Department Athletic Director.  Donations made to Department athletic teams or events may specify the intended recipient, e.g., Norwalk Softball Team, Century Basketball Team, Lost Hills Volleyball Team, etc.  In this case, the committee will simply channel the donation to the specified recipient.  Otherwise, any non-designated donations will be allocated by committee decision.