3-01/030.18 - Field Personnel's Response to Employee Involved Family Violence And/Or Temporary Restraining Orders

In a jurisdiction patrolled by the Department, whenever a Department member responds to a call where an allegation or an arrest is made of a peace officer for a violation related to domestic violence laws or court orders, a supervisor, with the rank of Sergeant or above, shall be immediately summoned to the location.  If, prior to the supervisor’s arrival, the subject is transported away from the location due to a medical emergency or to ensure safety, the supervisor shall be notified without delay.

At the scene of a family violence incident involving a law enforcement employee, the supervisor’s role is for administrative purposes and not as a criminal investigator.

If an incident involving sworn personnel occurs within the Department’s jurisdiction, and a supervisor responds as a representative of the local Sheriff’s Station, an immediate notification must be made to the employee’s Watch Commander and Unit Commander.