3-01/010.35 - Rank

Sworn personnel are distinguished by rank, which is assigned in terms of level of responsibility within the chain of command.  The descending order of rank in the Department is as follows:

  • Sheriff
  • Undersheriff
  • Assistant Sheriff
  • Division Chief
  • Area Commander
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Sergeant
  • Deputy Sheriff

Sworn members of the Department have the duty and responsibility to take appropriate law enforcement action when situations dictate.  This duty does not mandate that deputies immediately intervene in situations that call for a tactically coordinated response.  Where multiple deputies are involved in an action, the following principles of command apply.

Except as provided below, the deputy in charge shall be the member having the highest rank who is on duty or at the scene.  When the highest rank is shared by two or more members the member having seniority in rank shall be in command.  A deputy in “command” has the responsibility and duty to determine the appropriate response to the issue at hand, the prerogative to select between available response strategies, and the ability to provide tasking to assisting personnel.  Deputies remain subject to supervision in the performance of these duties.

Command responsibility is specifically assigned as follows:

Designated Handling Units - In routine calls-for-service, the “handling unit” is responsible for performing the functions of command.  In regular two-person units, this duty falls to the booking deputy. 

Training Functions - In cases where there is an established training relationship, the instructor or training deputy is responsible for performing the functions of command without regard to the relative ranks of the involved personnel.

Designated Supervisors - Personnel assigned to designated supervisory positions (watch deputy, supervising line deputy, etc.) hold command authority commensurate with the position.

Specialized Functions - Certain positions require specialized skills and/or professional license (pilots, paramedics, divers, boat operators, etc.).  Personnel assigned to such duties possess command authority relating to the performance of those duties.

Designated Tactical Commanders – Area commanders who possess requisite levels of tactical training and experience in the field of emergency response and incident management are designated to serve as the on-call Department “Tactical Commander” on a rotating basis.

The scope and function of a Department Tactical Commander is to provide leadership, oversight, and command responsibilities during the operational deployment of the Sheriff’s Response Team, and the service of “High” and “Highest” risk warrants involving the use of Special Enforcement Bureau’s Special Weapons Team.

Designated Special Weapons Team Incident Commanders - Area commanders who possess requisite levels of tactical training and experience in the field of emergency/crisis incident management, Special Weapons Team deployment, hostage rescue, and de-escalation strategies are designated to serve as the on-call Department “Special Weapons Team Incident Commander” on a rotating basis.

The scope and function of a Special Weapons Team Incident Commander is to provide leadership, oversight, and command responsibilities during “Full SWAT call-outs” and “Highest Risk” tactical incidents, including but not limited to:

  • Barricaded suspects;
  • Hostage rescue; or
  • Other prolonged tactical incidents requiring a Special Weapons Team Incident Commander.