2-11/060.25 - Hazardous Materials Detail

The Special Weapons Team specialty of the SEB Hazardous Materials Detail (HazMat) field investigator deputy is to prevent and respond to incidents and threats involving chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents/weapons.  HazMat responsibilities include:

  • Prevent and respond to criminal or terrorism incidents suspected of involving CBRN weapons to detect, identify, sample, and collect hazardous evidence;
  • Provide exclusion zone force protection;
  • Determine the appropriate personal protective equipment for Department personnel;
  • Acquire and maintain Department’s CBRN personal protective equipment;
  • Maintain a chemical/biological detection canine;
  • Act as assistant safety officer for law enforcement missions at major HazMat incidents; and
  • Act as liaison to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Hazardous Evidence Response Team.

The HazMat Detail is available to assist other Department units as well as other public safety agencies with CBRN as follows:

  • Special event sweeps;
  • Dignitary protection sweeps;
  • Related warrant service;
  • Detection;
  • Identification;
  • Public safety sampling;
  • Evidence collection;
  • Technical reference;
  • Exclusion zone force protection; and
  • Law enforcement assistant safety officer duties.