2-10/015.10 - Mandatory Reporting and Approval of Information Technology (IT) Projects

All proposed information technology (IT) projects must be submitted to the Technology and Support Division’s Office of Technology Planning (OTP) prior to acquisition, development, enhancement, or implementation.  No IT project will be funded, implemented, or available for use without having been first vetted through the information technology governance process.  This includes those projects wherein the funding originates from grants and/or other specialized accounts.  All IT projects are subject to the following governance process:

  • The division/executive sponsor of an IT project or their representative shall submit the project proposal to the chief of Technology and Support Division (TSD);
  • The OTP and requesting division’s project manager will review and discuss the project’s purpose, readiness, and direction;
  • OTP will assemble a team of IT technical experts in order to conduct a technical analysis and review to support business needs;
  • During this process, OTP will review possible alternatives, if any, and will prepare recommendations for the chief of TSD; and
  • Upon final approvals, the OTP will facilitate the project development, as needed.  

Any deviation from this policy will require a memorandum from the unit commander to the chief of TSD explaining the justification for bypassing the IT governance process.