2-10/015.00 - Information Technology (IT) Projects Defined

An Information Technology (IT) project is defined as:

  • any process or implementation of hardware and/or software that is connected, by any method, to the Sheriff’s Data Systems Network or software that analyzes, retrieves stores or transmits data across any Sheriff’s data or voice communication system;
  • any process or implementation of hardware and/or software that is operated by the Department to support criminal justice efforts throughout the Los Angeles County region or with other agencies outside the region;
  • computer hardware, networking software, data cabling, bandwidth and new applications of existing LASD technologies or data that is utilized on a Unit or Bureau-Level;
  • non‑Department owned data, network, audio or video system that is designed, managed, or maintained by Department personnel (Federal, State, or public domain);
  • conversion of data, computer programming, information storage and retrieval and data transmission;
  • any IT device requiring installation, maintenance or technical support from any of the Department’s IT units at any time during the life of the project; and
  • any Departmental data connection with any other agency or department.