2-07/080.65 - Staffing Unit

This section has the following responsibilities:

Sworn Staffing Detail

  • plan, schedule and monitor DST academy classes and all sworn new hires;
  • process Sworn promotions;
  • produce management biographies and demographic statistics for executives;
  • maintain Patrol and Custody Assistants transfer seniority lists; and
  • schedule and conduct all sworn deployment breakups.

Certification Detail

  • receive and maintain Certification Lists for the Department;
  • ensure eligible candidates on lists are referred to requesting Units;
  • ensure Department compliance with Civil Service Rule 11, certification and appointment;
  • maintain the Certification Desk Management System (CDMS);
  • respond to CDMS users regarding CDMS database problems;
  • respond to candidates on certification lists regarding their status on a list, or to update personal information; and
  • respond to notices received from the Certification Unit.