2-05/030.10 - Fraud Detail

This detail investigates complex cases that involve a deliberate deception or deceitful pretenses practiced to secure unlawful monetary gain.  These cases generally involve the manipulation of records or documents, a high‑dollar loss, and/or multiple victims.  Cases investigated by this detail include the following:

  • buncos;
  • consumer frauds;
  • grand theft embezzlements;
  • theft of real property (real estate);
  • theft by false pretense;
  • theft by trick or device;
  • planned iInsolvency (bust‑out);
  • elder financial abuse or fraud;
  • theft of trade secrets; and
  • pyramid or ponzi schemes.

Responsibilities of this detail include the following:

  • conduct in‑service training in all aspects of fraud;
  • provide expertise on fraud related crimes to other Units, Bureaus or outside law enforcement agencies;
  • respond to request from the community for information regarding the prevention of fraud and victim information;
  • review, analyze and track new legislation pertaining to fraud, fraud-related offenses, financial elder abuse, real estate, and notaries, and recommend Department position to the Executive Planning Council staff;
  • participate in Fraud Task Forces;
  • participate in Real Estate Task Forces; and
  • participate in various Elder Abuse Multi‑Disciplinary Teams.