2-05/010.00 - Functions and Responsibilities

The Detective Division mission is to support the overall mission of the Sheriff’s Department by providing the highest quality criminal investigative services on a countywide basis for cases that:

  • require highly specialized knowledge or skills for successful conclusions;
  • require a significantly higher need for confidentiality than what would be reasonably expected at a Sheriff’s Station or police department’s detective bureau, or involve a conflict of interest;
  • require significant amounts of coordinated investigative manpower or specialized equipment for successful resolution;
  • require significant undercover or surveillance operations;
  • Have historically been associated with potential law enforcement corruption;
  • exceed the manpower or expertise capabilities of a Sheriff’s Station or police agency; and
  • require extensive investigative resources over long periods of time.

The Chief of Detective Division shall serve as the Sheriff’s Department’s liaison to the Office of the District Attorney related to investigative responsibilities.  The Chief of Detective Division provides oversight and coordination for all of the Department’s investigative services, including those assigned to other Divisions.

The Chief of Detective Division is responsible for:

  • oversight and coordination of the Department’s criminal investigation information sharing systems and programs in cooperation with the Chief of Technical Services Division;
  • oversight and coordination of periodic strategic planning meetings of the Department’s criminal investigations managers for the purposes of assessing current and future investigative capacities, needs, challenges, trends; networking; and sharing and discussing investigative best practices;
  • creating and maintaining standardized, Department-wide statistical and case management terminology and protocols to facilitate comparisons, allocation of resources, and command inspections;
  • working with Technical Services Division in the development, procurement and use of technology in criminal investigations; and
  • working with Leadership and Training Division to development and provide training for the Department’s criminal investigators, including developing training standards.