2-04/020.05 - Legal Advisory Unit

This Unit reports to the Sheriff and Undersheriff and consists of Deputy County Counsels assigned to the Department, and Department personnel.  It is responsible for providing legal services to the Department.  Its functions include:

  • serving as a Department liaison and providing coordination with County Counsel;
  • interpreting and defining the impact of newly passed legislation on Department operations;
  • responding to Department telephonic requests for legal assistance pertaining to law enforcement problems encountered in day-to-day operations;
  • conducting research projects which address Department questions on a variety of law enforcement operations;
  • assisting Department personnel in the instruction of sworn personnel at Departmental Advanced Officer Training Programs and Cadet Training;
  • maintaining a legal library for use by Department personnel; and
  • maintaining, updating and distributing a publication of County Ordinances relevant to the Department's law enforcement responsibilities.