2-02/110.00 - Reserve Deputies

The regular law enforcement complement of the Department is supplemented by a large number of "Reserve" Deputy personnel who volunteer their services on an as-needed basis.

Reserve personnel are subordinate to regular Deputies, and in most instances, shall work under the immediate direction of regular full-time personnel of this Department.  Unless otherwise directed by the concerned Unit Commander, Reserves shall not wear their rank insignia while working a uniformed assignment.

Reserve Peace Officers are required by regulations of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) to meet the same selection standards (e.g. personal history investigation, medical and psychological screenings) as full-time regular Deputies.

There are three classifications of Reserves expressed as levels set forth in the Penal Code.  Their duties and required training are described below.

Level I - Reserve

Designated Level I

Reserve Deputies may be appointed to a “Designated” Level I position by authority of a County Resolution.  Designated Level I Reserve Deputies must complete the Sheriff Department’s POST approved Field Training Program.  This is the only category of Reserve that has 24-hour Peace Officer authority.  All other Reserve levels have Peace Officer powers only for the duration of the person’s specific assignment.  A Designated Level I Reserve may work alone and perform the same duties as a full-time Deputy.

Designated Level I Reserve Deputies must successfully complete the POST Regular Basic Course in either the Standard Format - (664 hours minimum), or the Modular Format - Level III, II and I Reserve training (730 hours minimum).

Reserve Deputies have been granted Designated Level I status if they possess either a POST Reserve Officer Certificate or a Basic POST Certificate (“Departmental Exit Option,” which allows regular Deputies to transition to Reserve status upon resignation or retirement).

Upon completion of the Sheriff Department’s POST approved Field Training Program, Designated Level I Reserves are granted the following:

  • Full Peace Officer powers both on and off duty;
  • Authority to carry an off-duty weapon, conforming to Department policy, without the need for a concealed weapon permit;
  • Individuals with full-time Peace Officer status, who are exercising the “Exit Option,” may be assigned to tasks routinely performed by regular Deputies.  This includes supervising Level II and Level III Reserves; and
  • Reserves possessing a POST Reserve Officer Certificate may be assigned to tasks routinely performed by regular Deputies, including supervising Level II and III Reserves.

Non-Designated Level I

In previous years, Reserves were trained at a level which was not equivalent to the POST Basic Course.  These graduates are Non-Designated Level I Reserve Deputies.

A Non-Designated Level I Reserve may work alone and perform the same duties as a full-time regular Deputy.  However, their Peace Officer authority is only for the duration of the Reserve’s specific assignment.

Non-Designated Level I Reserves are granted the following:

  • Peace Officer powers only while on duty;
  • Authorization to carry an off-duty weapon, only if they have a concealed weapon permit;
  • Possible assignment to tasks routinely performed by regular Deputies, except that they shall not be assigned to supervise other Reserve Deputies in a general law enforcement capacity; and
  • Due to recruit changes in POST training requirements, Non-Designated Level I Reserves may not upgrade to Designated Level I status unless they apply for the Basic Course Waiver (through POST) or by repeating the Basic course (modular or intensive).

Level II - Reserve

A Level II Reserve Deputy may perform general law enforcement assignments while under the immediate supervision of a Peace Officer who has completed the Regular Basic Course.  Immediate supervision is defined as continually being in the physical proximity of and available to, the Reserve Deputy.  However, allowances are permitted for necessary temporary separations, such as tactical situations requiring separation.  A Level II Reserve Deputy may work assignments authorized for Level III Reserve Deputies without immediate supervision.

Level II Reserve Deputies must successfully complete the Level III and Level II Modules of the Post Basic Course - Modular Format as their entry-level training requirement.

Although not a POST requirement, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department requires that Level II Reserves, who work patrol assignments, must complete the Sheriff’s Department’s POST approved Field Training Program.

Reserve Deputies who have successfully completed a Level II Reserve POST Certified Reserve training module, are granted the following:

  • Peace Officer powers only while on duty; and
  • Authorization to carry an off-duty weapon, only if they have a concealed weapon permit.

When working in a general law enforcement capacity, Level II Reserves must be under the immediate supervision of a regular Deputy, or a Designated Level I Reserve Deputy.

Level III - Reserve

A Level III Reserve Deputy may perform specified limited support duties, and other duties that are not likely to result in physical arrests, while under the immediate supervision of a Designated Level I Reserve Deputy or a full-time regular Deputy.  Additionally, Level III Reserve Deputies may transport prisoners without immediate supervision.  They are limited to assignments that do not usually involve general law enforcement activities.

Reserve Deputies who have successfully completed the Level III Module of POST training hours, are granted the following:

  • Peace Officer powers only while on duty.