2-02/100.00 - Deputy Sheriff Trainees

Positions in this entry level non-sworn law enforcement class are characterized by participation in a basic law enforcement training program involving both classroom instruction and field observation.

The duties of this position may include any or all of the following:

  • Receiving instruction in the interpretation and application of laws contained in various state codes and ordinances such as the Penal Code, Vehicle Code, Welfare and Institutions Code and Los Angeles County Ordinances;
  • Receiving instruction in basic criminal and traffic accident investigation procedures and techniques, including crime scene preservation, witness interrogation and evidence collection;
  • Participating in a firearms training course, learning proper safety procedures, care and use of small arms, as well as Department regulations and legal limitations upon firearm use; and
  • Receiving classroom instruction and acquiring working knowledge of patrol procedures, as well as learning radio operation techniques, vehicle stop procedures and methods of traffic control.