2-02/050.00 - Area Commanders

Area commanders assist the chief of a division as an assistant division chief and may hold other special positions as directed by the Sheriff.  As assistant division chief, an area commander is directly accountable to the appropriate division chief for the proper execution of assigned functions and for the management of assigned units.
Commanders are responsible for ensuring that units under their command are meeting Department and division standards of operation.  Commanders shall be personally versed in the units' major operational indices (personnel, budget, incidence of force and complaints, risk management, liability, etc.) and have an affirmative obligation to provide captains with appropriate support and direction in the maintenance of standards.

In addition, commanders shall personally respond to specified incidents and provide insight and guidance to ensure that the interests of the Department and its individual members are protected.  The specific incidents to which a commander shall respond shall be dictated by Department policy and direction from the Executive Planning Council.

A commander's leadership shall be manifested through clear and concise interpretation of existing laws (both statutory and case law), memorandums of understanding (MOUs), the Department's Manual of Policy and Procedures, all division directives in support of the manual, our Mission Statement, Core Values Statement, Code of Ethics, training requirements, and any other direction given by appropriate authority.
The duties of this classification include the following:

  • Commanding an area composed of assigned stations, bureaus and/or facilities; providing direction, control, and coordination of activities as appropriate;
  • Acting as division chief in his/her absence;
  • Acting as the incident commander during major Department mobilization for emergencies;
  • Performing as Deputy Department Operations Commander in the County Emergency Operations Center;
  • Making recommendations for formulation of division policy and procedures;
  • Developing, in conjunction with their captains, appropriate unit goals and objectives which are consistent with Department strategic plans;
  • Conducting division investigations and special research studies;
  • Conducting inspections and audits of unit operational and management functions to ensure consistency and adherence to policy;
  • Assisting in formulating and implementing the division budget; and
  • Responding to events within their division and complete documentation required for critical incident reviews.  

In addition to position specific responsibilities, each commander is accountable for:

  • His/her personal acts and omissions, and when reasonable and appropriate, the acts and omissions of his/her subordinates.  In connection therewith, his/her supervisory and managerial responsibilities shall include, among others:
    • A responsibility to take appropriate corrective measures consistent with his/her rank and authority when he/she is, or reasonably should be, aware that such measures are called for; and
    • A responsibility to use the information and management tools available to him/her, including, but not limited to, manual and automated personnel information, to attempt to anticipate and address, through corrective measures consistent with his/her authority, reasonably identifiable Departmental risks or potential employee misconduct.
  • Maximizing the reverence for human life by critical oversight of the reporting, reviewing, and training the use of force;
  • Demanding nothing less than lawful behavior from subordinate command personnel and, in turn, requiring that they do the same with their subordinates; and
  • Ensuring that Department policy and procedures are effectively communicated to all personnel.

Administration of Personnel

  • Knowing the strengths, weaknesses, and special skills of his/her immediate subordinates, and where reasonably possible, those of the other subordinates in his/her areas of responsibility;
  • Rating his/her subordinates in a timely and objective manner;
  • Monitoring the administrative investigations process of his/her units to ensure timely and accurate processing;
  • Ensuring that he/she is available and accessible to provide assistance, guidance, and insight to his/her captains; and
  • Reinforcing, through actions and statements, the Department's position on discrimination, sexual harassment, and cultural diversity.

Delivery of Service

  • Ensuring that the public interaction and community involvement of subordinate commands meet Department standards, are reflective of the Department's service oriented policing philosophy, and promote community partnerships; and
  • Ensuring that units deliver service at contracted or specified levels and service is appropriate to the needs and sensitivities of the community.

Efficient and Effective Operations

  • Ensuring that his/her subordinate captains are meeting Departmental standards for operating a station, bureau or facility.  He/she should be proactive and vigilant in ensuring that subordinate units are operating:
    • Within budget;
    • Within appropriate discipline and non-discrimination guidelines;
    • Within appropriate qualitative and quantitative performance levels;
    • With adequate information flow upward and downward;
    • Within given requirements for internal inspection;
    • With appropriate management oversight of force, liability, and other areas of risk; and
    • With appropriate care and maintenance of physical plant assets.
  • Advising the chief and subordinates of any significant problems, issues, or activities within their areas of responsibility.

Role Model

  • Ensuring, by attitude and action, his/her personal integrity and work ethic meets the highest standards of the Department while ensuring the same from his/her subordinates;
  • Participating in committees and work groups with enthusiasm and insight directed at improving overall Departmental excellence;
  • Practicing, supporting, and promoting the Department's Core Values, service oriented policing philosophy, affirmative action guidelines, and the Code of Ethics;
  • Maintaining, and where possible, enhancing his/her professional knowledge and skills, and keeping current on events that affect the Department and his/her areas of responsibility; and
  • Being well groomed and appropriately attired.

Tactical Command

  • Responding to a variety of tactical situations to exercise oversight and/or command responsibilities as dictated by the circumstances of the situation.

Risk Management

  • Minimizing risk to the county, Department, and its employees by monitoring, reviewing, documenting, disciplining, and rewarding employee performance, as well as identifying procedures or policies that need changes and making appropriate recommendations for change; and
  • Utilizing safe driving techniques while driving county vehicles.

Department Duty Commanders

  • Area commanders of the Department are scheduled to serve as the on-call Department duty commander on a rotating basis, with the assigned commander serving as the Sheriff’s representative for special events as needed during a weekend/holiday period.  Captains are scheduled, to the greatest extent possible, on a rotating basis to assist the Department duty commander;
  • The Department duty commander scheduled for the on-call weekend/holiday duty shall assume his/her responsibility at 1700 hours on the last business day before the beginning of a weekend/holiday period.  He/she shall be placed off-call at 0800 hours on the first business day following the weekend/holiday;
  • The Department duty commander shall be readily available by telephone through the Department Operations Center to respond if requested by any division command staff, any assistant sheriff, the undersheriff, or the Sheriff;
  • A Department duty commander who is a designated tactical commander (refer to section 3-01/010.35) may, by mutual consent with the assigned designated tactical commander, assume primary Special Weapons Team incident commander responsibilities during the weekend/holiday period.  Divisional commanders who respond to incidents during the weekend/holiday period are subordinate to the designated tactical commander;
  • The Department duty commander shall ensure that notifications are made to the Sheriff and executive staff as appropriate by utilizing the Department Operations Center; and
  • The Department duty commander shall document his/her event activities in the pre-designated Department duty commander’s shared files.

All area commanders will continue to be available if needed for consultation or response on a 24‑hour basis, including weekends and holidays.