1-01/090.15 - Page Audit

The Manuals and Orders Unit shall, when circumstances warrant, conduct a Department audit of all assigned copies of the manual.  This audit consists of a listing of all right-hand page numbers and the last publication date of each page.  The audit is entitled "Page Audit" and instructions for its completion are given on the face page of the Page Audit form.  When an audit is to be conducted, the Manuals and Orders Unit will send out sufficient copies of the Page Audit form to each Unit concerned.

Formal and library copies of the manual shall have all of the pages listed on the Page Audit form.  Training copies of the manual shall have only those pages listed under Volumes 4 and 5.

Upon completion of the audit, the Page Audit form shall be returned to the Manuals and Orders Unit to report any missing and/or outdated pages or to report that all pages are in order within a given copy of the manual.

At any time a Unit Manuals Coordinator feels that his Unit's assigned manual copies may be out-of-date, he may request an updated Page Audit form from the Manuals and Orders Unit.