5-09/510.00 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents - Policy

This policy will assist in identifying and handling crimes or incidents that are motivated by hate or other bias toward individuals and groups with legally defined protected characteristics, to define appropriate steps for assisting victims, and to provide a guide to conducting related investigations.  It also outlines the general policy for prevention, response, accessing assistance, victim assistance and follow up, and reporting the Department’s role in the handling of hate crimes.

It is the policy of this Department to safeguard the rights of all individuals irrespective of their disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.  Any acts of threats or violence, property damage, harassment, intimidation, or other acts or crimes motivated by hate or bias should be viewed very seriously and given high priority.

The Department will employ necessary resources and vigorous law enforcement action to identify and arrest hate crime perpetrators. Recognizing the fears and distress typically suffered by victims, the potential for reprisal and escalation of violence, and the far-reaching negative consequences of hate crimes and incidents on the community, the Department should attend to the security and related concerns of the immediate victims and families as feasible and appropriate.

All Department personnel are required to be familiar with this policy and carry out the policy at all times unless directed by the Sheriff or other command-level officer to whom the Sheriff formally designates this responsibility.

Once enacted, the Department shall distribute this policy, and any related orders and materials, via electronic transmission to all Department members, and shall re-transmit this policy, and any related orders, via an electronic forum at least twice annually.  The policy shall also be available to all sworn personnel via the Department’s Policy Archival and Retrieval System (PARS) system.