3-01/110.45 - Business Cards

Sworn members performing duties involving direct public contact must possess business cards, which must be presented to members of the public upon request.

Members shall issue only Department approved digital business cards or traditional card stock business cards for official business.  The Jail Enterprises Unit’s (JEU) print manager maintains the Department's approved format for traditional card stock business cards, and issuing cards that deviate from the approved format is prohibited.

Digital Business Cards (QR code)

Department members may also utilize the Department’s digital business card as another form of official business card.  If applicable, digital business cards may be used interchangeably when business cards are referenced in Department policies and directives.

If a Department member utilizes a digital business card in lieu of a traditional card stock business card, members shall provide the QR code upon request, allowing the requestor the ability to scan the QR code or take a digital picture.



Three different digital business card formats are available to Department members:

  • Simple – Name, rank, and QR code.

  • Detailed – Name, rank, work location, address, office phone, email, and QR code.

  • Detailed with cell - Name, rank, work location, address, office phone, cell phone, email, and QR code.



The digital business card is generated from a Department application located on Department computers, Mobile Digital Computers (MDC), Department Intranet applications, and Department mobile phones.  The Department application references the Department member’s contact information in their Microsoft Outlook (Department email) properties.

Department members can access their digital business cards via the Department’s Intranet site by navigating to the Employee Services page, and selecting the Employee Support tab.



When a Department member’s contact information changes due to a change of assignment and/or promotion, a new digital business card (QR code) must be generated. 

NOTE: Department members are responsible for updating their contact information when their unit of assignment and/or rank changes. Department members’ contact information can be changed using the LASD Directory Update website. 

Traditional Card Stock Business Cards

The approved format includes the size and type of paper, color of ink, dimensions, style, and locations of all inscriptions.  This format also includes design elements that are the "intellectual property" of the Sheriff's Department (refer to section 3-01/040.62).

Department members shall only obtain card stock business cards from the authorized Department agreed vendor at:


Self-printed cards shall be created utilizing only the Department’s authorized template.  Self-printed cards shall be printed using a laser quality color printer on card stock provided by each individual unit. The Department’s authorized template shall be maintained by JEU and available through the intranet at:

​pub icon Business Card (County of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department).pub

Unit business cards are no longer authorized for issue. The cards were formerly pre-printed with unit identifying information and contained a space for personnel to hand-write or stamp their name.

Sworn members (regular and reserve) along with full-time professional staff members may issue business cards in the following format (the back of the business card shall be blank):




The following provisions apply:

Department Members

  • The Sheriff, Undersheriff, and assistant sheriffs will possess special engraved gold Sheriff star logo cards that are printed on cream colored stock.  All other members requiring business cards may use the standard engraved gold Sheriff star logo cards at the member's expense;

  • In the upper right-hand corner of the business card, under the words, “SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT” shall be the name of the current elected Sheriff;

  • For sworn members, the title line must be rank and/or service position title, such as “Deputy Sheriff,” “Pilot,” “Canine Deputy,” “Detective,” etc.;

  • For professional staff members, the title line must contain the member's civil service position title.  At the member's option, a second line may describe the member's functional title (e.g. "Printing Manager");

  • The address information must correspond to the member's unit of assignment;

  • For all Department personnel, sworn and civilian, their name on the card must be the same as indicated on the employee’s Personal Information Sheet (SH-AD-91A).  No nicknames, initials, or abbreviations should be used.  Any exceptions must be approved by the Sheriff; and

  • For all Department personnel, sworn and civilian, their email address on the card shall be their Department’s email address, with the exception of retired members.

Members assigned to inter-agency task forces, where a common business card is deemed necessary for all members, may issue business cards differing from the above format, with the approval of their division chief or division director.

Retired Members

Honorably retired members of the Department may be authorized to purchase business cards indicating their retired affiliation with the Sheriff's Department.  Retired members who request business cards shall submit a completed request through the Department’s official business card ordering website at the following link:


The following provisions apply:

  • These cards shall indicate "Retired" below the title line;

  • Personal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses are acceptable; and

  • The authority to obtain or use these cards may be withheld or withdrawn by Personnel Administration Bureau, the Sheriff, Undersheriff, or concerned assistant sheriff.

All requests are subject to verification by Personnel Administration Bureau.


Volunteers and other persons having an affiliation with the Sheriff's Department and having a need for business cards may be issued cards of the following format (the back of the card shall be blank):

 Sample Front

The following provisions apply:

  • Requests for cards shall be evaluated by the volunteer's unit of assignment and approved only where there is a need for the volunteer to possess cards;

  • The title line shall include "Volunteer." It may also include their functional title, such as: “Chaplain,” “Station Clergy,” “Canine Handler,” etc.; and

  • The address and telephone information must be a Sheriff's Department facility. Only Departmental e-mail addresses shall be listed. The use of residential and/or private business information is prohibited.

Inmate Welfare commissioners may receive business cards.  The address on the business cards shall be an appropriate Sheriff's Department facility.  Personal phone numbers and personal e-mail addresses are acceptable.

NOTE: Inmate Welfare commissioners shall receive the standard engraved gold star business card and not the standard volunteer business card.

Inappropriate Business Card Use

Business cards shall not be issued nor used:

  • For the purpose of obtaining special privileges or benefit for any reason; to request the bearer receive any type of favorable consideration; or

  • To indicate the relationship of the individual to the member named on the card.
    Business cards shall not bear notations or endorsements other than those pertaining to official functions of the Department.

Unit Commander’s Responsibilities

Unit commanders shall ensure their personnel carry a sufficient quantity of traditional card stock business cards to accommodate all reasonable requests or if the requestor does not have a device to scan the QR code.  During periodic personnel inspections, supervisory personnel shall check for compliance with this policy.

All units that have a desk area for the public shall maintain a sign (black background with white lettering) in public view with the following message:



This sign shall be printed in English, Spanish, and any other language predominantly used in the unit's area.