3-05/080.80 - Department Fundraising and Donations

The Department recognizes the value in partnering with charitable and community-based organizations to solicit, receive, and distribute funds for the direct and indirect benefit of the Department, its mission, and the community at large. 

In furtherance of that objective, these sections are meant to standardize procedures, create consistency, and ensure compliance with Federal, State, and local laws for conducting fundraising activities, accepting donations, and managing unit funds. These sections are also meant to promote transparency, avoid conflicts of interest, ensure that donations and fundraising are consistent with the principles of 21st Century and Constitutional Policing, and align with the Department’s Mission and Core Values.

There are two categories of permissible fundraising and donations discussed in this and related sections: 1) Department-wide foundation support; and 2) Community-based support at the station and unit level.  Department guidelines for non-charitable, employee-maintained funds and related activities and the role of the Financial Programs Bureau are also detailed herein.

All fundraising activities conducted by Department members and the acceptance of any donations by Department members shall be pursuant to the process and procedures set forth in this section and through section 3-05/080.88, Training.

Department members must exercise caution when engaging in fundraising activities during work hours and on County property.  No such activity shall take place without Department approval.  Approval shall be obtained in writing from the member’s Division Chief.  Whether the funds are intended to benefit a fellow Department member in need, a charitable organization, or a unit-related activity, there may be Federal, State, and/or County rules related to such activity, and each Department member should familiarize themself with all applicable rules in addition to the guidelines set forth below.

Similarly, donations to the unit or to the Department must be appropriately handled in accordance with County guidelines. The County Fiscal Manual (CFM) and Charitable Giving Campaign (CGC) Coordinator’s Handbook contain essential information related to charitable fundraising activities and donations to the Department and must be reviewed before Department members engage in any activity related.  Refer to the Fiscal Administration Bureau’s intranet site for links to the County manuals.

The Department reserves the sole right to approve, limit, suspend, or revoke the right of any employee, employee group, committee, unit, or Department program to collect, maintain, and/or distribute funds on behalf of any Department-related activity or in which the name or representation of the Department or any of its units or programs are used in connection with that activity.