3-10/118.00 - Performance to Standards - Use of Force

The evaluation of a Department member’s performance includes the strategies or tactics used leading up to, during, and following a use of force. These strategies and tactics shall be evaluated in terms of whether or not they comply with Department policies, procedures, and training.

The following are examples of types of tactical considerations that shall be evaluated under this policy:


  • Approach of Subject

  • Approach of Vehicle

  • Availability and Deployment of Personnel, Equipment, and Weapons

  • Background (consideration of surroundings, risk to bystanders)

  • Communication

  • Concealment

  • Coordination

  • Cover

  • De-escalation efforts and crisis stabilization techniques

  • Distance

  • Field of Fire

  • Fire Discipline

  • Foot Pursuit

  • Incident Command

  • Partner Splitting

  • Planning

  • Position of Advantage

  • Potential for Crossfire

  • Shooting Backdrop (harm to bystanders)

  • Shooting at Moving Vehicle

  • Summoning additional resources

  • Supervision

  • Subject Control

  • Tactical Repositioning

  • Taking Independent Action

  • Target Acquisition


  • Use of Time or Slowing Down the Event

  • Vehicle Pursuit

  • Warning Shots


NOTE: Refer to MPP 3-10/150.00 Tactical Incidents for further information.

A Department member’s performance associated with the use of force that does not comply with Department policies, procedures, and training may subject that Department member to discipline under this section.