Medical treatment for subjects who are injured or have a complaint of pain after a use of force shall be documented.
A subject must be transported to a medical facility for examination/treatment by qualified medical personnel whenever the person:
Suffers a gunshot wound;
Strikes their face, head, or neck on a hard object or sustains a blow to the face, head, or neck because of the application of force by a Department member, including blows to the face, head, or neck with hands or fists, regardless of how minor any injury may appear. The Department member transporting or escorting the subject to a medical facility shall inform the medical staff that the subject was struck on the face, head, or neck or struck their head;
Is restrained with pressure or force to the neck or throat. The Department member transporting or escorting the subject to a medical facility shall inform the medical staff of the fact that the subject was restrained with pressure or force to the neck or throat and whether or not they were rendered unconscious;
Is hit with a specialized weapon projectile (such as an Arwen round, Taser dart, Stunbag, PepperBall projectile, etc.);
Is subjected to a Taser used in the any mode;
Sustains a canine bite resulting in any bleeding or penetration of the skin;
Has injuries that appear to require medical treatment;
Alleges any injury and requests medical treatment, whether or not they have any observable injuries;
Alleges that substantial force was used against them, whether or not they have any observable injuries or requests medical treatment;
Was wearing the electronic immobilization belt during its activation (unless qualified medical clearance is obtained in the field); or
Has the Total Appendage Restraint Procedure (TARP) applied on them. Refer to MPP section 3-01/110.22, Total Appendage Restraint Procedure, for additional information.
In incidents involving the total appendage restraint procedure (TARP), the supervisor shall ascertain and document the Incident Details section of the SH-R-438P with the following information, if possible:
How long the subject was restrained with the TARP;
The emergency medical services agency that responded to the scene of the TARPing;
How the subject was transported and in what body position(s) they were placed during the transport;
The length of time of the transport phase;
The observations of the subject’s psychological/physical condition while TARPed and during the transport phase; and
Any alleged recent drug usage by the subject or indications by them that they suffer from cardiac or respiratory diseases (e.g., asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc.).
For additional information, refer to MPP section 3-01/110.22, Total Appendage Restraint Procedure.
Whenever a subject upon whom force was used is transported to a medical facility for examination or treatment prior to booking or housing in a custody facility, the transporting or escorting Department member shall immediately advise the field sergeant or immediate supervisor. Except in the most compelling of circumstances, personnel involved in a Category 2 or 3 Use of Force, including participants, witnesses, and supervisors directing force, shall not escort or transport the subjects to a medical facility. If compelling circumstances require that the subject be transported by involved personnel, detailed justification shall be made in all supervisors’ subsequent reports.
The sergeant shall immediately advise the watch commander or supervising lieutenant that the subject is being treated or examined following a Department member’s use of force.
Any doubt regarding the need for medical treatment shall be resolved by transporting the subject to an appropriate medical facility.
If the subject refuses medical treatment in any of the cases previously described, they shall be transported to a medical facility and required to personally inform the medical staff of their refusal to receive medical treatment. The member transporting the subject to a medical facility shall include in the appropriate report the name of the medical personnel to whom the subject indicated their refusal and the name of the medical staff member authorizing booking at the station or regular jail housing. In addition, an effort should be made to have the medical staff complete an AMA (Against Medical Advice) report on the subject, which documents the subject's refusal of medical treatment in that report.
If the medical staff indicates that the subject should be treated despite their refusal, the subject shall be transported to the County-USC Medical Center Jail Ward or to the appropriate Custody Division medical facility for treatment or medical review.
The Use of Force policy published on July 19, 2024, will be effective once training on the policy takes place. This transition period is being provided to ensure awareness of the new policy provisions throughout the Department, and to ensure education on the new policy and its components have been made available to Department members.