3-02/040.50 - Emotional Behavioral Concerns

Supervisory personnel shall be alert for indications of emotional distress in any employee under their command. Manifestations of distress might include, but are not necessarily limited to, signs of psychological disturbance, emotional trauma, or excessive use of alcohol and/or prescription drugs.

Where possible, the cause of the problem should be determined and an evaluation made as to the employee's probable ability to cope with the problem and still function in an efficient, capable, and safe manner. If it is determined that the problem is of a potentially serious nature or one which might negatively affect either the employee's job performance or his personal well-being, the unit commander shall be notified immediately.

After counseling the employee, if the unit commander concurs that the problem is more than superficial, they shall promptly notify the division area commander and Disability Management and Compliance Unit. As soon as reasonably possible, this verbal notification is to be followed by a full written report to the division chief or division director on a SH-AD-32A (Sheriff’s Department Office Correspondence).

When circumstances dictate that the notification be made during other than normal working hours, the on- call representative from the Disability Management and Compliance Unit is to be contacted through the Sheriff’s Information Bureau. Do not initiate an Employer's Report of Injury or Illness (SH-AD-92) until advised to do so by the Injury and Health Support Unit. If and when a SH-AD-92 is submitted, a copy of this report shall also be forwarded to the concerned division chief or division director.

When circumstances dictate and there exists a serious question regarding the potential misuse of an employee’s peace officer powers as a result of emotionally related issues, the unit commander or the designated representative shall notify the area commander, Personnel Administration Bureau, and the Disability Management and Compliance Unit.

The unit commander shall take custody of all Department identification and County weapon to be distributed as follows:

  • County weapon to be returned to the Logistics Section and a receipt obtained;
  • Uniform badge, flat badge, cap piece, and identification card to be returned to Personnel Administration Bureau and a receipt obtained.

These items will be returned to the employee when his recovery is sufficient to return to duty.

If the off-duty employee is a sworn member, Personnel Administration Bureau shall advise the employee by letter, sent via Certified Mail, of the following:

  • That acting in any law enforcement capacity is expressly forbidden;
  • That carrying a firearm is not authorized;
  • That this action should not be considered punitive or disciplinary but is intended to serve the best interests of the member and the Department.

Based on the information available and with review and concurrence by the division area commander, the unit commander, the Disability Management and Compliance Unit personnel, and the Department's psychologists (only in non-industrial issues) shall make a determination as to the appropriate course of action, both short and long range. The course of action sought will in all cases be that which is determined to be in the best interests of the employee and the Department.