5-06/040.90 - Electronic Immobilization Belt

Upon approval by the Unit Commander, or by court order, personnel assigned to Major Crimes Bureau conducting prisoner extraditions may use the Electronic Immobilization Belt, in accordance with established Department procedures.  These are the only Department personnel authorized to use the Electronic Immobilization Belt.

The Electronic Immobilization Belt is a less lethal electronic restraint device designed for the control and temporary immobilization of County inmates, prisoners from other jurisdictions and defendants.  The belt is designed to provide a greater measure of control of suspects whose actions pose a threat to their own safety, or the safety of others. 

The Department approved Electronic Immobilization Belt shall consist of a belt carrier, transmitter, receiver, stun package and a power source.  The belt carrier shall be made of four-inch-wide heavy-duty nylon, with built-in restraints for additional security.  The receiver shall be controlled by an "on/off" key lock switch.  An additional belt carrier made of five-inch-wide soft nylon, with no additional restraint levels can also be used interchangeably with the listed components.  Personnel will be qualified to use the Electronic Immobilization Belt only after successfully completing Department approved training.