Only qualified Department personnel, who have successfully passed Department training and are currently certified in the use of the weapon, shall carry a less-lethal weapon. Less-lethal weapons include, but are not limited to, the following devices covered under this section:
Baton Launching Systems;
Electronic Immobilization Device (Taser);
12-Gauge stunbag;
Pepperball launchers, Noise/Flash Diversionary Devices; and
Chemical agents (small aerosol containers).
Personnel carrying a less-lethal weapon system shall record the weapon’s information per divisional directive (i.e., MDT/MDC entry, armory sign out log, or any other means a unit has adopted for accounting for these weapons).
The use of a less-lethal weapon will be at the discretion of the individual Deputy. Deputy personnel encountering a situation which may require the use of a less-lethal weapon system, when feasible, will immediately notify a supervisor.
All Department personnel utilizing less-lethal weapons must do so only when objectively reasonable given the circumstances and shall be governed by MPP section 3-10/100.00, "Use of Force Review and Reporting Procedures."